Gotham Paranormal
Research Society
Gotham Paranormal has been privileged to spend countless hours in many historic structures on Long Island/NYC & 5-Boroughs as well as numerous locations outside of New York in which we happily assist historical societies, business owners, and homeowners in learning more about their locations and whether or not they are experiencing true paranormal activity. We volunteer our time, experience, and knowledge to help find an explanation as to what our clients may be experiencing at their location and whether or not it could be related to paranormal activity. In addition to private homes and historical locations, we also participate in many public events and fundraisers and do our best to provide help, guidance, and support to many community programs in need.
In addition to private locations and businesses, we also work closely with many historical locations and historical societies. We investigate these locations with the utmost care and respect. The older the location, the more we find we are able to extract in way of captured audio and video phenomena, hence the old saying "If these walls could only talk".
We have been an active proud member of the TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) Family for over 15 years and our cases are kept private and confidential for the protection of our clients. We are the only TAPS Family team serving the NYC / Tri-State area and all of Long Island.

Our clients include:

Business Owners
Historical Locations
Historical Societies

Private Homes
Special Events
Class Presentations